
Swatch Internet Time

The day is dividedinto 1000 "beats" with each beat equaling 1 minute and 26.4 seconds. Since thereare no time zones in Internet Time, the time is the same all over the world withthe reference point being Biel, Switzerland, the location of Swatch Group's headquarters.This "new meridian" is referred to as BMT, or Biel Mean Time. Internet Time i***pressed by the number of beats proceeded by an "at" (@) symbol. For instance,2:27 PM in San Francisco is expressed as @997.I really like the concept of Internet Time for two primary reasons:It has the same kind of intuitive logic as the metric system.You don't have to worry about time zones. I often work with people all overthe world, and doing the conversions can be a pain.Of course, time zones do serve a very valuable purpose. They allow us to relatemore easily to other parts of the world. For instance, if I schedule a meetingat @997, and I'm expecting people from all over the world to join, I have no wayof knowing if @997 is in the middle of the night, early in the morning, or rightsmack in the middle of the day for the other attendees. Time zones, on the otherhand, allow me to get a relative sense of time so I can schedule meetingsat times that are convenient for all parties.Check out the articleon timeanddate.com for a much more thorough analysis ofInternet Time.BI came across an interesting site recently called timeanddate.com whichhas answers to pretty much any and all time/date related questions. Among theirmany articles and resources, I found an extremely thorough explanationof Swatch Internet Time, including a tool for converting Internet Time to "standard"time in about 130 different time zones.I wrote about Internet Time in my reviewof the Swatch Paparazzi (watch pictured at right). Internet Time is to timewhat the metric system is to measurement. It was invented by Swatch, and as faras I know, isn't much more than a marketing gimmick at this point, although Ipersonally think it's a pretty interesting concept. Internet Time does away withtime zones, and with the basically arbitrary units of 60 and 24.