Some great ways to express your love through wedding rings
You’ll also want to match the gem or diamond color. You can even add gemstones like sapphires or emeralds for color. As long as the band also has diamonds, it will still coordinate with your engagement ring. Keep the style of your engagement ring in mind. If your ring is contemporary, go for a sleek diamond band. If your engagement ring is vintage-inspired, look for a band with engraving to create a wedding ring set.You can be inspired by designer sets. There are several designer brands of wedding rings. Designer wedding ring sets are minutely made and there are some different things in designer ring sets which are missing for sure in a commonly made wedding ring set or engagement ring sets. Their stone setting and choice of metals are so unlike and extraordinary. In this article you will get some valuable tips on how the wedding ring set or the engagement ring set should be chosen and made. There are some ways to make them better. Just look at them and get learned about wedding ring sets.You can match the engagement ring. And that is engagement ring set. You can still have two rings even if your engagement ring isn’t part of a set. Look for a wedding band that has the same color of gold.
The Motivation Behind Body Jewelry
The purpose is to essentially say, ;Hey, it my body, I can poke holes wherever I want.;The beauty of body jewelry is that most often, when a person decides that the body jewelry is no longer a desirable form of self-expression, he or she can simply remove the nose ring or tongue ring, and the tiny hole will eventually close up. Body jewelry is a semi-permanent way for people to show their style, rebel, or simply decorate the body.Jade Greene is an expert author on tongue rings, nose rings and other body jewelry.Article Source: The Motivation Behind Body Jewelry.Like any trend in fashion or style, there will always be people who ask ;why?; in regard to tongue rings, nose rings, and other body jewelry. From a non-pierced person point of view, the questions include, ;Why would you want to stick a sharp needle through your face or mouth?; ;What is the point?; and of course, ;Do you really need another hole in your head?;People who have decided to adorn themselves with body jewelry, however, respond with ;Why not?; Tongue rings and nose rings are just two more ways for a person to express himself or herself. The idea of body jewelry is similar to the idea of tradition earlobe piercings: people want to be able to decorate themselves.In addition, less traditional forms of body jewelry such as tongue rings, nose rings and eyebrow rings, are sometimes used as an outlet for rebellion against one parents or against a conformist society.
The Evolution of Nose Rings
In modern times, however, people have shifted to more sanitary materials like BioFlex, titanium and sterling silver. Most often, nostril nose rings are pierced with an 18 GA or 20 GA needle. That roughly the same size as a standard earring post.Septum piercings are generally done with a larger needle, 14 GA or 16 GA and bridge nose rings are usually 16 GA or 18 GA.Jade Greene is an expert in nose rings and other body jewelry.Article Source: The Evolution of Nose RingsThis is done in primarily earrings and septum rings, but could actually be accomplished in any piercing. Supposedly it does not hurt to guage one piercings, but it is likely that there is some pain associated with forcing a larger barbell through a small hole.Most recently, people have started piercing the bridge of their nose. It pierces the skin at the very top of the bridge of the nose, almost between the eyes. It generally a small piercing because of the lack of skin available at that part of the nose.Nose rings were originally made from bones, sticks and feathers.
The Evolution of Nose Rings
In recent years, the idea of a nose ring has expanded to include both a septum piercing and a bridge piercing.The septum is the hard cartilage wall between each of the nostrils and is typically pierced toward the bottom so that it penetrates the softest cartilage. Often, a semi-circle shape nose ring is put in the septum piercing. Sometimes a full circle with captive bead nose ring is used. Sometimes, this piercing is ;gauged.; To gauge a piercing means to gradually increase the size of the hole by forcing slightly larger rings into the piercing every six to eight weeks.Nose rings are gaining popularity as an acceptable form of body jewelry. No longer is it a piercing only appropriate for rebellious punk rockers or hippies. Because of this, body jewelry wearers have the freedom to develop new and different types of nose rings.Conventionally, a ;nose ring; implied that a person had pierced the cartilage on either the right or the left side of his or her nose. Initially it was popular among women but has expanded to male fans as well.
Swatch Internet Time
The day is dividedinto 1000 "beats" with each beat equaling 1 minute and 26.4 seconds. Since thereare no time zones in Internet Time, the time is the same all over the world withthe reference point being Biel, Switzerland, the location of Swatch Group's headquarters.This "new meridian" is referred to as BMT, or Biel Mean Time. Internet Time i***pressed by the number of beats proceeded by an "at" (@) symbol. For instance,2:27 PM in San Francisco is expressed as @997.I really like the concept of Internet Time for two primary reasons:It has the same kind of intuitive logic as the metric system.You don't have to worry about time zones. I often work with people all overthe world, and doing the conversions can be a pain.Of course, time zones do serve a very valuable purpose. They allow us to relatemore easily to other parts of the world. For instance, if I schedule a meetingat @997, and I'm expecting people from all over the world to join, I have no wayof knowing if @997 is in the middle of the night, early in the morning, or rightsmack in the middle of the day for the other attendees. Time zones, on the otherhand, allow me to get a relative sense of time so I can schedule meetingsat times that are convenient for all parties.Check out the articleon timeanddate.com for a much more thorough analysis ofInternet Time.BI came across an interesting site recently called timeanddate.com whichhas answers to pretty much any and all time/date related questions. Among theirmany articles and resources, I found an extremely thorough explanationof Swatch Internet Time, including a tool for converting Internet Time to "standard"time in about 130 different time zones.I wrote about Internet Time in my reviewof the Swatch Paparazzi (watch pictured at right). Internet Time is to timewhat the metric system is to measurement. It was invented by Swatch, and as faras I know, isn't much more than a marketing gimmick at this point, although Ipersonally think it's a pretty interesting concept. Internet Time does away withtime zones, and with the basically arbitrary units of 60 and 24.
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